Proper Puppy Play Group

Om Obedience is excited to announce Proper Puppy Play Group beginning April 25, 2023 at JB's Indoor Dog Park in Norwell. It will be held every week on Tuesday’s at 6pm as well as Saturday’s at 8am.

Spend an hour with our trainers and like-minded puppy parents as your dog socializes with their peers. This is an additional resource for our Puppy Clients! We’re here to help get your dog successfully to adulthood and are fully versed in developmental stages, fear phases, and expectations.

Madison and Susan will help guide you and your puppy as they build on their social skills and increase their confidence around other dogs ages 3 months - 1 year.  You will learn the social cues that young dogs present as well as what is considered appropriate play while in a safe, supportive environment. We want to set EVERYONE UP FOR SUCCESS!

Each drop in class is only $25 and you can come to as many as you’d like until your puppy ages out. We can’t wait to see you! SIGN UP HERE TO JOIN US!

~ Collars By Kitt ~

We just wanted to share our favorite long lines (20’ and 30’ leashes) that are incredibly durable, easy to clean, and keep your dog safe for all of your outdoor adventures. These are perfect for distance training, recall training, hiking and the beach. Thank you Kitt for keeping our dogs safe!

Resources for Finding a Dog Trainer

I feel so honored when clients reach out asking for assistance in finding a dog trainer in other geographic areas. It’s certainly not easy as this is an unregulated industry and anyone can wake up one day and decide that they are a trainer without any formal education, background or experience. Pat Miller said it best, “Positive training works, it’s fun, and it does not have the potential to cause stress and physical injury to our dogs through the application of force, pain, and intimidation.” Thankfully, there are places to start a reputable search:

The Association of Professional Dog Trainers, “We believe in the value of dog training and behavior consulting to society. Because in our minds, to love a dog is to love a dog’s trainer.”

The International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants, Our mission is to elevate the standard of behavior consulting worldwide.

The Pet Professional Guild, The Association of Force Free Professionals

Dog training is a never-ending process of evolving. -Ivan Balabanov

Good dog training is undramatic. -Michael Ellis This is such an important quote because what you see on TV is unrealistic and highly edited.

I found THE BEST Treats!

Have you checked out Fig & Tyler? Their Jerky and Cookies are unparalleled! We always have our home stocked and love supporting small businesses with locally sourced ingredients. And, for those with specific dietary needs - they carry dehydrated Fish, Duck, and Rabbit! Check out and use code OMDOG to save on your orders. Perfect for training! This company appreciates their dog trainers! (FYI, our old code of MC0385 does still work)

We also love supporting local businesses and highly recommend Bona Fido out of Weymouth MA. Use code OMDOG to save 10% on all your purchases!

We train with treats. They are the simplest paycheck that you can give your dog for a job well done. They are currency for behaviors, have different value to your dogs and it’s so important to mix them up frequently. Please help us support other small businesses!

Boston Voyager Article

We had the pleasure of interviewing with the Boston Voyager and got to open up about our roots, inspirations and aspirations.

Reactive Rover Successes

I absolutely love hearing from the Reactive Rover Class and am beyond thrilled for the successes that they are having at the end of the leash because it can be so stressful for canine and handler when something scary or threatening approaches.  Our Reactive Rover class is always eye opening and it's just about the best investment you can make for really learning how to read and help your dog without becoming a trainer yourself.  Here are a few excerpts from our current class:


So first off, sorry I feel the need to tell you every Tyson achievement but I hope it makes you proud too! So he's reactive to birds too (obviously) and I've been really trying to work him in the morning since they're everywhere. Today we're on our usual walk- I became more confident and now do the whole neighborhood dogs barking at us and all - and every single time he saw a bird he just sat and looked at me like, "Ummm...Mom where's my salami?" There were a couple times where I couldn't figure it why he was sitting since he saw the bird well before I did. Long story short, NO reactions today!! I could not have done it without you so please don't ever stop dog training because you are amazing at it and Tyson's super lucky to have found you!


We ran a 5K this morning!! He did great, we crossed the street when a dog was coming, he didn't even growl! I had him sit abd watch me and clicked and treated him!!

I clicked him for lots of "look at that!" He looked but didn't react at the house with crazy barking dogs, they were inside.

He completely ignored a very old dog with a hoarse bark, he didn't even recognize it as a bark, it was funny!

Light Reading

Yesterday, a client asked about books to help improve her relationship with her dog.  Sitting here, looking at two bookcases filled with fantastic reads, I can’t help but be drawn to:

The Loved Dog, The Playful, Nonaggressive Way to Teach Your Dog Good Behavior by Tamar Geller, with Andrea Cagan

This book came highly recommended by my first trainer and is definitely worth passing on, especially for the first time dog owner.  Her life experiences are fascinating.


It’s a Dog’s Life…but It’s Your Carpet, Everything you ever wanted to know about your four-legged friend by Justine A. Lee, DVM

This is an easy, fantastic read for dog enthusiasts and professionals alike.  Just when you thought you’ve heard every question, this book candidly provides answers. Examples, “Would my dog recognize his siblings?” “Are shock collars cruel?” “Do I really need puppy class?” (SPOILER ALERT – YES YOU DO!) “Can dogs donate blood?” “Why are dogs taught to heel on the left?” and “Why do dogs like to sniff butts?”


How to Behave So Your Dog Behaves, by Dr. Sophia Yin, DVM, MS

This book delves into the world of behavioral modification and provides the science behind it.  


As for monthly subscriptions,

The Whole Dog Journal, A monthly guide to natural dog care and training

Your Dog, The newsletter for caring dog owners

Reading is most enjoyable with a dog sleeping next to you. 





Happy New Year!

Hello. Welcome. And thank you.  Seems like a suiting way to start the official Om Obedience blog – a place where stories will be shared, dogs will shine, training tips will be provided and explained, products reviewed, as well as a list of upcoming local events.  Please be warned: This page may go to the dogs.

Happy New Year from our hOMe to yours! On the last day for the 2015 resolution, “to try something different every day” and we made Peanut Butter-Honey Nut Cheerio Balls from The Ultimate Dog Treat Cookbook by Liz Palika*.  Our pack thoroughly enjoyed them.   

When I think of 2016 resolutions, I think of how busy and caught up in the day to day tasks of our pack and family and really want to make sure that each dog feels gets some carved out alone time.  As I think of ideas, I’ll share and have a feeling that this site will be a sort of accountability.

When someone says that they are thinking of getting a dog, I always ask, how are you going to meet their needs? Exercise, training, health, nutrition, and socialization. Here’s the rundown of day-to-day care for our pack of 4.  They usually go out to our fenced-in backyard first thing and come in to eat breakfast.  This consists of kibble Bonafide Pet Food* and re-hydrated food from The Honest Kitchen*.  Once a week nails are ground, teeth are brushed (this should probably be done more often), ears are checked and the Cavaliers are combed.  Baths are monthly and the Cavaliers get a full groom every 6 weeks.  This coming year, I’d like to gain proficiency using clippers.

Exercise, exercise, exercise.  Weather permitting, we walk every day.  In the summer, if it’s going to be too hot, we walk at 6am.  In the winter we walk mid-day.  If it’s cold, we all wear jackets.  We just don’t do rain.  Each dog has their own exercise requirement and if it is not met then they will be wound up at night when we are trying to wind down.  Our walks* average 3 miles. They are a combination of exercise, training, and enjoying the scenery. It’s enough to guarantee a 3 hour nap for Lennox (7), Chopper (6), Trouble (5) and Maker (2).  Maker requires a good game of soccer that sometimes the others will join in on, usually lasting 15 minutes.  He is still crated* when we are out and always has access to a Dura Chew Nylabone in his crate.  The older three will get something to chew on a couple of nights a week.  They have access to a toy box filled with antlers, balls, and squeak toys.  The pack will always come on errands when given the opportunity, enjoy an afternoon play session (find it, board games, hide & seek, or tug), have dinner, and then sack out on their places on the couch.  We have at least a couple of play dates a week and they love going to daycare.  The saying goes, a tired dog is a good dog. 

And vet visits, we absolutely love the staff at Randolph Animal Hospital and visit them regularly for vaccinations, Heart Guard, Vectra, and sometimes just to say “hello”.  Lennox also sees Dr. Laste at Angell Memorial Medical Center for an annual cardiology visit. 

 In reflecting on this list, their basic needs are met and I am looking forward to strengthening our bond this coming year with some one-on-one time.

Here are a few New Year’s Resolution suggestions:

Work on solving behavioral issues: jumping, barking, reactivity and anxiety.

Continue training: teach your dog reliable basics, take your basics to an intermediate level, work towards your Canine Good Citizen certification, and become a therapy dog team.

Teach fun tricks: doggy yoga poses, play dead, close the door, salute, and to carry in the groceries.

Try Agility.  It’s not just for competition!

Make some new friends – go on a pack walk, visit a new park, join a hiking club, send your dog to play groups and daycare.

Always here to help. Namaste.



*Denotes a topic for another day

(book review, food review, why walk, crate training)