Thank you for taking the first step in training your dog! And, welcome to the Om Obedience family. Please fill out this form to enroll in our upcoming group classes and prior to scheduling private lessons. We are unable to "hold" spaces in our group classes, as they fill up quickly, and enrollment will not be finalized until payment is received.  Private lessons and phone consultations MUST be paid for in advance. A 24 hour grace period from scheduling holds your session until payment is received. A minimum of 48 hours is needed to reschedule appointments.  There are only so many available appointments each day and it is our policy to be fully committed to our clients. We value communication and compassion and ask that our clients have the same values. Please note that private lessons are typically booked 3-6 weeks out. Packages are available for 3 and 5 sessions so that you can commit to your dog and be consistent. NO REFUNDS WILL BE ISSUED. Please do not pay until an apt. date has been confirmed via email.